Description Holistically blending conventional counseling and alternative mental health approaches, OptimalLife Wellness therapists and counselors work with each client to help them build on their strengths to identify and achieve life goals and overcome past destructive patterns. Health services in Bellevue from anxiety therapy to depression treatment to relationship counseling, we aim to strengthen your life experiences. Whether you are looking for a Bellevue therapist, Bellevue counseling, or a Kirkland counselor, to a Redmond therapist, we are the top wellness center, providing Bellevue holistic mental health counseling for individuals, couples, and families.

OptimalLife Wellness Center is a holistically oriented, mind and body mental wellness clinic located centrally in Bellevue, close to Overlake Hospital. Our team of experienced therapists bring a whole array of whole body therapies to help you achieve your Optimal Life Wellness. This isn't your average talk therapy...if you're ready to make some deep, real changes in your life, give us a try.
Address 2320 130th Ave NE, Suite 240
United States of America
Phone Number 425-646-2778
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Submission Date Oct 29, 2017 - 4:35 AM (Edited)

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Latitude: 47.630857
Longitude: -122.164915

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