Description Central Florida licensed residential treatment program and year-round boarding school. We serve young women between the ages of 12 and 17 who are struggling with emotional, psychological, behavioral, educational or relational issues.

Girls who can benefit from Providence Pass have typically had trauma, abuse, an adoption, or other personal or relational loss in their life. This trauma has caused the girl’s life to spin out of control in her adolescent years.

Girls come to our Florida-based program from throughout America. While this program is specifically Christian, clients are accepted regardless of religious beliefs or personal values.
Address 741 Front St #210
United States of America
Phone Number 844-244-2840
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Submission Date Jul 2, 2019 - 5:48 AM (Edited)

Comments on Providence Pass - Therapeutic Boarding School

Posted Dec 16, 2023 - 2:57 AM:
This place is highly abusive. DO NOT send your daughter here! Look up William Del-Giudice’s name on TruthFinder and see his criminal record. These people cannot be trusted.

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Latitude: 28.317908
Longitude: -81.539069

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