Description We are a year-round, Christian therapeutic boarding school for troubled youth that are struggling with behavioral issues or academics. Our facility is located in the beautiful Caribbean. We minister to American teenagers that are in trouble. We pull them out of the crazy environment that they’re in, giving them a place to step back and take a look at their life.

The program is a counseling ministry of Crosswinds, a popular Indiana-based non-profit counseling service. It is intentionally located in an environment that is uniquely able to bring about an astonishing change in the attitudes and actions of today’s entitled, depressed and troubled teenagers.
Address 4150 Illinois Rd
Fort Wayne
United States of America
Phone Number 866-318-7392
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Submission Date Aug 9, 2019 - 3:23 AM (Edited)

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Latitude: 41.07523
Longitude: -85.195371

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