Description Henan Kuangshan Crane co., Ltd. is a 40-year-old manufacturer of material handling equipment including overhead cranes, gantry cranes, jib cranes, electric hoists, transfer carts, and crane parts.

Up to now, Kuangshan Group has been an overhead crane industry leader, especially in overhead cranes for steel industry. Our focus is to provide our customers a cost effective solution that will meet their material handling needs. We provide whole series of overhead bridge cranes with capacity from 0.5 ton to 550 tons.

At Henan KuangShan,we trust in technical innovation. With a total floorspace of 600,000m2, kscrane has 2360 employees, including 15 senior engineers,68 engineers, 95 assistant engineers and 230 senior technical workers.

At KuangSan, we don't just sell products. We assist our customers in the design, manufacture, installation, and start-up phases of every lifting project across the world.
Address Changnao Industrial Park
Phone Number +86 373 387 2232
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Related Websites
  • DGCRANE - DGCRANE is a trusted professional overhead crane manufacturer from China. We specialize in Overhead Cranes and Gantry Cranes.
  • ZOKE CRANE - ZOKE CRANE as a 15 years experience crane manufacturer, provide overhead cranes, gantry cranes, jib cranes. Our factory has competitive price.
  • DAFANG CRANE - DAFANG Crane is a well-known crane manufacturer with a wide range of products, including overhead cranes, gantry cranes, jib cranes, electric hoists and other crane parts.
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Submission Date Apr 9, 2024 - 11:35 AM (Edited)

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