Description Non-profit, Christian boarding school helps troubled boys between the ages of 10-17 (high school boys are in a separate facility). The sprawling ranch campus in Southeastern Missouri offers an atmosphere of mentoring, love and acceptance.

Masters Ranch is a place of daily adventure, from morning to night. It’s built for energetic boys, to learn through physical activity and mentoring how to become an authentic, trustworthy man. Each boy is given experiences to equip them with confidence to take on anything in life. They learn responsibility and how to work, but they also learn to how to play, through physical outdoor activities that have meaning and purpose.
Address 7319 Highway KK
United States of America
Phone Number 417-938-4711
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Submission Date Jul 2, 2019 - 4:36 AM (Edited)

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Latitude: 36.604883
Longitude: -91.378098

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