Description NF Interiors is known for providing the highest quality interior design for our DC, North Virginia commercial and residential clients! Natascha Folens offers interior design services for residential, hospitality and outdoor spaces including apartments, wine cellars, bathrooms, kitchens and commercial lobbies. Interior decorating in Maryland, Washington DC and Northern Virginia from Rockville to Middleburg, North West to Mclean, and Bethesda to Fairfax and Loudoun counties.

NF Interiors offers commercial and residential interior design services including custom wine cellars, hospitality buildings, apartments and lobbies, kitchen and bathroom remodels and more. Serving the Northern Virginia, DC and Maryland areas, Natascha Folens is your answer to professional and unique interior design from Arlington to Rockville, Georgetown to Middleburg, Potomac to McLean and Bethesda to Reston.
Address 11748 Thomas Ave
Great Falls
United States of America
Phone Number 703-444-6642
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Submission Date Jan 26, 2019 - 10:41 PM (Edited)

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