Description St John's Catholic School for the Deaf is a day and boarding school for hearing impaired pupils aged 3 to 19. In 2007 we became a specialist school for sensory and physical impairments. Based in Boston Spa, West Yorkshire, UK.

St John’s is an oral school where pupils are taught by specialist teachers of hearing impaired children. There is great emphasis on supporting the development of pupils’ spoken language as well as reading and writing. This approach is underpinned by our commitment to the use of technology to provide children with maximum access to speech. We have a resident audiologist, we use soundfield technology, all classrooms are acoustically treated and pupils have speech therapy delivered by a team of therapists.
Address Church Street
Boston Spa
West Yorkshire
LS23 6DF
United Kingdom
Phone Number 01937 842 144
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Submission Date Oct 17, 2011 - 9:31 AM (Edited)

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Latitude: 53.900065
Longitude: -1.350482

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