Description The Boutique Butterfly is a dreamy online store of handmade, handcrafted artisan and artist work and goods! Products include lovely handcrafted jewelry, hand poured candles, luxurious bath & body, fine art, and creative classes! Come experience why the best purchase is one from an artist!

Our handmade jewelry is made with love of fine gems in gold-filled & sterling silver. The crystal dangle earrings are stunning, contemporary, elegant and unique. You will love our simply luscious handmade bath & body products which feature all natural ingredients and fragrances, and are many times organic. Our candles are hand-poured in California and support charities for the developmentally disabled. Fine art is created with fine art-supplies in many media including, oil paint, mixed media, watercolor, encaustic wax, charcoal, and others.

We are in the process of adding classes in many different media by fine artists, so stay tuned for the experience!
Address 155 9th Ave NE
St. Petersburg
United States of America
Phone Number 727-410-3572
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Submission Date Oct 3, 2017 - 3:08 PM (Edited)

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