Description The Living House provides a world-class residential sober living program in Cape Town, operated by a four-phase program from two premises. We aim to be safe, affordable and supportive, enabling residents to endeavour the necessary life challenges needed for a successful, on-going, recovery lifestyle.

The Living House provides a safe, contained space for individuals to find and reach their recovery lifestyle. Our trained staff of caretakers, recovery coaches, counsellors and therapists actively builds and maintains the close-knit community at the rehabilitation center; this provides the support structure that upholds growth and sustainability on every step of the journey, ensuring no visitor walks alone on what can otherwise be a very isolated, unforgiving road.
Address 5 Melrose Walk, Claremont
Cape Town
Western Cape
South Africa
Phone Number 084 454 8464
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Submission Date Apr 24, 2019 - 1:33 AM (Edited)

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Latitude: -33.9809257
Longitude: 18.4685512

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