Description Treasure Coast Academy is a non-profit boys home and school designed to improve behavior and attitude in boys who are struggling with life-controlling issues.

Our sprawling campus on Florida’s Treasure Coast includes everything a boy needs to be happy and learn new, more constructive ways to behave and prepare for their future. We have a well-equipped gym, professional weight room, soccer, kickball, basketball, swimming, fishing, camping, horseback riding and more.

We know you treasure your boy, and we’ll treasure him as well. He’ll receive counseling, adventure, and a first-class education.
Address 801 154th Avenue
Vero Beach
United States of America
Phone Number 772-978-4164
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Submission Date Jul 2, 2019 - 2:18 PM (Edited)

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Latitude: 27.6186
Longitude: -80.630336

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